Do these homes have fireplaces, stoves, running water, and electricity?Many homes around the world, like igloos, tepees, and mud huts, do not have running water, stoves, bathrooms, electricity, or many of today’s modern appliances.In the United States, running water and electricity were not introduced until the mid-1800s, when power-driven machinery came into use. Sawmills, using steam power, provided abundant lumber. Nails and other metal products became cheap and plentiful. Steamships, canals, and finally railroads made these materials available in all settled communities. Inventors and manufacturers introduced many household conveniences. By the 1850s, fireplaces were being replaced by coal-burning stoves. Later in the nineteenth century, central heating by furnaces and radiators became available. Many homes today enjoy modern plumbing and use gas or electricity for cooking and lighting. |
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