This does not purport to be a complete bibliography but simply indicates the books found useful in the writing. Place of publication is London unless stated otherwise.
Ancel, W.. Hitler Confronts England (Durham. NC. 1960).
Andrew. Christopher, Secret Service (1985).
Ashcroft, Michael. To Escape the Monster’s Clutches (1977).
Aubrev. Philip, The Defeat of James Stuart’s Armada, 1692 (Leicester 1979).
Bartlett. C.J., Great Britain and Sea Power 1815-53 (Oxford 1963).
Beard. Charles, An Economic Interpretation of the American Constitution (1913).
Bourguet, A.. Etudes sur la politique estrangere du due de Choiseul (Paris 1907).
Bullock, Alan, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (1962).
Butterfield, Herbert, George III, Lord North and the People 1779-80 (1949).
Castex, R., Les idees militaires de la marine au dix-huitieme siecle (Paris 1911).
Childers, Erskine, The Riddle of the Sands (novel).
Clowes, W.L., The Royal Navy: A History (1897).
Colin. J.L.A., Louis XV el les Jacobites, le projet du debarquement en Angleterre de 1743^14 (Paris 1901).
Collier. Basil, The Defence of the U.K. 1939-45 (1957).
Coquelle. P., Les projets de descente en Angleterre (Paris 1902).
Corbett. J.S., The Campaign of Trafalgar (1910).
Coughlan, Rupert J., Napper Tandy (Dublin 1976).
Cowburn. Philip M., The Warship in History (1976).
Creswell. John. British Admirals of the Eighteenth Century (1972).
Cruickshanks, Eveline. Political Untouchables. The Tories and the ‘45 (1979).
Cruickshanks, Eveline, Ideology and Conspiracy: Aspects of Jacobitism 1688-1759 (Edinburgh 1982).
Desbrieres. E., Projets el tentatives de debarquement aux lies Britanniques. 1 vols (Paris 1902).
Doniol. P.. Histoire de la participation de la France a I’etablissement des Etats-Unis (Paris 1879).
Drummond. Maldwin. The Riddle: The Story ofErskine Childers and the Riddle of the Sands (1985).
Dugan, James. The Great Mutiny (1967).
Dwver. T. Ryle. Irish Neutrality and the U .S. A. 1939M5 (Dublin 1977).
Egerton, William. Projets d'invasion francaise en Angleterre’. Revue Contemporaire. Januarv-February 1867.
Ehrmann. John. The Navy in the Wars of’William III (Cambridge 1953).
Ellis. Peter B., Caesar’s Invasion of England (1978).
Emslev. Clive. British Society and the French Wars 1793-1815 (1979).
Fallon, N., The Armada in Ireland (1978).
Fernandez-Duro. C., La Armada Invencible, 2 vols (Madrid 1884).
Fest. Joachim. Hitler (1974).
Flanagan. Thomas, The Year of the French (novel).
Eriedlander. Saul. Prelude to Downfall: Hitler and the United States 1939-1941 (New York 1967).
Germinv, Marc de. Les Brigandages maritimes de TAngleterre. 3 vols (Paris 1925).
Gevl. Pieter. Napoleon For and Against (1949).
Glover. Richard L.. Britain at Bav: Defence against Bonaparte 1803-14 (1973).
Graham. Winston. M., The Spanish Armadas (1972).
Grinell-Milne. D.W'., Silent Victory 1940 (1958).
Guillon. E.. La France et TIrlandependant la Revolution (Paris 1888).
Hardy. Thomas. The Dynasts (verse drama).
Elardv. Thomas. The Trumpet-Major (novel).
Havvkes. C.E.C.. Pvtheas: Europe and the Greek Explorers (1977).
Elaves. Richard. The Last Invasion of Ireland (1937).
Elerwig, Holger. Politics of Frustration: The United States in German Naval Planning. 1889-1941 (Boston 1976).
Hobson. J.A.. Imperialism (1902).
Hovvarth. David. The Voyage of the Armada. The Spanish Story (1981).
Howarth. David. Trafalgar, the Nelson Touch (1969).
Hussev. Frank. Suffolk Invasion (Lavenham, Suffolk 1983).
Jacob. Rosamund. The Rise of the United Irishmen 1791-1794 (1937).
Jones. E. Stuart, An Invasion that Failed (1950).
Kennedy. Paul M., The WarPlansoT the Great Powers 1880-1914 (1979).
Kennedy. Paul M., The Rise and Fall of British Naval Mastery (1976).
Kinnon, John. Fishguard Fiasco (1974).
Kolko. Gabriel. The Politics of War: The World and U.S. Foreign Policy 1941—15 (New York 1969).
Lacour-Gavet, G.. ‘La campagne navale de la Manche en 1779’, Revue Maritime (1901).
Lacour-Gavet. G.. La Marine Militaire de la France sous le regne de Louis XV (Paris 1902).
Lacour-Gavet. G., La Marine Militaire de la France sous le regne de Louis XVI (Paris 1905).
Lambi, IvoN., The Navy and German Power Politics 1862-1914 (1984).
Lampe, David, The Last Ditch (1968).
Laughton. John Knox (ed.), The Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 2 vols (1981).
Liggio, L.P. and Martin, J.P., Watershed of Empire (Colorado Springs 1976).
Llovd, C.C., The Nation and the Navy (1954).
Mackay. R.F.. Admiral Hawke (Oxford 1965).
McLynn,L.J., France and the Jacobite Rising of 1745 (Edinburgh 1981).
McLynn. F.J., The Jacobite Army in England 1745: The Final Campaign (Edinburgh 1983).
McLynn. F.J., The Jacobites (1985).
Mahan, A. I ., The Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1781 (1890).
Mahan. A.T., The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire 1791-1812 (1892).
Mahan. A. I ., Naval Strategy (1911).
Mahan. A.I., The Interest of America in Sea Power Present and Future (1897).
Marcus, G.J., Quiberon Bay (1960).
Marcus, G.J.. A Naval History of England, 2 vols (1971).
Marder, Arthur J., The Anatomy of British Sea Power (1972).
Mattingley, G., The Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1959).
Moon. H.R.. 'The Invasion of the U.K. Public Controversy and Offic ial Planning 1888-1918’ (PhD thesis. University of London. 1968).
Morison. M.C.. I he Due de Choiseul and the Invasion of England, 1768-1770', Royal Historical Society Transactions, 3rd Series, Vol. IV. (1910).
Munro. H.H. (‘Saki'), When William Came: A Study of London under the Hohenzollerns (novel): 1926 edition.
Owen, J.H.. War at Sea under Queen Anne 1702-1708 (1938).
Padfield, Peter, Tide of Empires, Vol. 2, 1654—1763 (1982).
Pakenham, T homas, The Year of Liberty (1969).
Parker. Geoffrey. Philip II (1979).
Paterson. A. Temple. The Other Armada (Manchester 1960).
Perugia, P. del. La Tentative d’invasion d’Angleterre en 1779 (Paris 1940).
Perugia, P. del. Le Comte de Vergennes au ministere (Paris 1942).
Richmond, H.W., The Invasion of Britain (1941).
Richmond, H.W., The Navy as an Instrument of Policy (Cambridge 1953).
Richmond, H.W., The Navy in the War of 1739^18, 3 vols (1920).
Rose, J.H. and Broadley, A.M., Dumouriez and the Defence of England against Napoleon (1909).
Smith, Peter C., Hold the Narrow Sea: Naval Warfare in the English Channel 1939-45 (Ashbourne, Derbys, 1984).
Stone, Lawrence. Causes of the English Revolution (1972).
Taylor, Telford. The Breaking Wave: The German Defeat in the Summer of 1940 (1967).
Thackeray. W.M., Barry Lyndon (novel).
Tone, Theobald Wolfe, Life of Wolfe Tone, written by himself and continued by his son with his political writings and fragments of his diary (Washington 1826).
Warner, Oliver, The Glorious First of June (1961).
Warner, Oliver, The Battle of the Nile (1960).
Wernham, R.B.. After the Armada (Oxford 1984).
Wheatley, Ronald, Operation Sea Lion (Oxford 1958).
Wheeler, H.F.B. and Broadley, A.M., Bonaparte and the Invasion of England. 2 vols (1908).
Whitehouse, Arch, Amphibious Operations (1964).
Wood. R.G.E. (ed.), Essex and the French Wars (1977).
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