Supernatural Silver

Alchemists referred to silver as Luna and ascribed to it the symbol of the crescent-shaped moon. In ancient times, this metal was sacred to the Egyptian lunar goddess Isis and to the Greek and Roman goddess Diana. From the earliest times, silver has been used to fashion images of goddesses, and silver bells were especially considered powerful evocative agents to summon protection from the Mother Goddesses of all cultures.

Silver has always been associated with psychic and intuitive abilities, especially when its ruling influence, the moon, is full. Because of its lunar connection, silver was believed to possess supernatural powers and is linked with occult practices. Therefore, silver cups were often used by the ancients for divination, as in the Biblical story of Joseph and his brothers.261 

The metal was also thought resistant and invulnerable to enchantment, its powers unable to be deflected by magical means. Therefore, it was believed that only a silver bullet from a firearm would kill witches, werewolves and vampires. In modern times, the metaphor of a ‘silver bullet’ is generally used to describe an easy solution to a prevailing problem by some or other new technology. 

Because of its unassailability, silver has traditionally been considered a lucky metal, one of the most potent precious metals, with powerful protective qualities. Hence, when laying the foundation or corner stone of a building, the first sod of earth was traditionally dug with a silver spade. Similarly, due to its shielding, as well as luck-bringing properties, silver cups or spoons, or anything made from silver, were and are still given as christening presents and brides would sew a silver coin into their dress for good luck, or the groom wore one in his shoe, whereas silver coins were carefully set aside to ensure continuing prosperity, for ‘luck-money’ should always be silver. In northern European countries, it was customary while bowing to a new moon, to turn over a silver coin in the pocket, to ensure good fortune and prosperity for the next cycle of the moon. Silver coins were also often buried under the threshold of houses to ensure luck for all who resided within, while boat-builders would hide a silver coin under the mast of a vessel for the same purpose. 

To make the sign of the cross with a piece of silver was considered especially protective. Therefore, it was customary to cross the fortune teller’s hand with silver – to have one’s fortune told meant tapping into supernatural forces, and silver protected from any possible harm incurred from these forces. 


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