
More About the Bible

The Bible and Pop Culture

Which sitcom features four scientist friends who try to figure out every aspect of life, including religion?

The Big Bang Theory (2007–present). Sheldon, the obsessive-compulsive super-genius of the bunch, resists his strict church upbringing, but his conversation shows his familiarity with the Bible. In the episode “The Large Hadron Collision,” Sheldon (portrayed by actor Jim Parsons) becomes angry with Leonard (portrayed by actor Johnny Galecki) when Leonard invites Penny instead of him to go to Switzerland to see the Large Hadron Collider. In a fit of petulance and sour grapes, Sheldon initiates a game.

Later in the university cafeteria, Sheldon leaves a container with thirty pieces of silverware at Leonard’s table.

In another episode, “The Werewolf Transformation,” Sheldon was in a snit because his regular barber was in the hospital, and could not cut his hair. He tries to explain his extreme upset to his girlfriend, Amy (portrayed by actress Mayim Bialik):