Lincoln’s Death, New Nation: April 1865 to 1877

Modern-Day Movies

How many young people became drummer boys as a result?

We really don’t know the answer, but we can say with great confidence that the release of Glory in 1989, the release of The Civil War in 1990, and that of Gettysburg in 1993 turned thousands, perhaps scores of thousands, of everyday Americans into Civil War reenactors. The reenactment movement hit its peak sometime in the 1990s and remained strong till the early part of the next decade, but it was fading by 2010. Part of the reason was that there were few young persons to stand in for those who were becoming “old in the trenches.” Another is that the dramatic events of September 11, 2001, had the effect of riveting the attention of many Americans on the here and now as opposed to the distant, however magnificent it might have been.


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