
International Dinosaur Discoveries

Early Dinosaur History Outside the United States

What dinosaur remains were excavated during the Tendaguru expedition?

The Tendaguru expedition was itself spectacular, and so were the dinosaur fossils discovered at the site. Among the findings were three types of theropods—the small, agile Elaphrosaurus, and the larger Ceratosaurus and Allosaurus. Six herbivorous dinosaurs were also found: the tiny ornithopod Dryosaurus; Kentrosaurus, a stegosaur; and four sauropods, Dicraeosaurus, Barosaurus, Tornieria, and the largest one of the time, Brachiosaurus. The reconstructed skeleton of a Brachiosaurus in the Berlin Museum from this site is the largest complete dinosaur skeleton in the world.

In addition to these spectacular dinosaur finds, the expedition also uncovered remains of pterosaurs, fish, and a tiny mammal jaw bone. All of the animals were similar to those found earlier in the Morrison formation in the western United States, indicating that migration between North America and Africa was relatively easy during this time.