Dinosaurs Behaviour

Dinosaurs in Motion

What similar trackways were recently found in Scotland and Wyoming?

Similar trackways made by a three-toed dinosaur were recently found in Scotland and Wyoming—a rarity since scientists have never found almost identical dinosaur tracks on two different continents. The 170-million-year-old tracks from the Jurassic period were painstakingly measured, revealing definite similarities between both fossil tracks. Thus, researchers believe the tracks were made by the same type of dinosaur species. This may be true, since the areas of today’s Wyoming and Scotland were much closer during the Jurassic—only a few thousand miles apart—making it possible for the species to migrate and live in what are now two very different places. But not all scientists agree, some saying that it is more likely that similar—but distinct—dinosaurs species evolved in these two areas because the creatures were at similar latitudes.


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