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Where can a person obtain more education in dinosaur paleontology? |
If you desire more education and experience in dinosaur paleontology, there are numerous opportunities available at all levels. Your local college or university might offer courses in this specific subject, or the field of paleontology in general. Most colleges will allow a person to audit a course, or even take courses for credit. If you are really ambitious, you might want to take courses that could lead to a degree in paleontology, with an emphasis on dinosaurs. Some organizations offer formal instruction in conjunction with dinosaur digs, often for college credit.
Because of the interest in fossil collecting in general—and dinosaurs in particular—some museums and colleges are starting programs geared toward “professionalizing” the amateur fossil collector. These programs, which are intended to give the amateur the same level of practical field knowledge as the professional paleontologist, can be certification programs, or programs that lead to an associate’s degree.