
Defining the World

People and Countries

Where are cyberspace and the Internet

Cyberspace is not space in the old-fashioned sense of the word at all. The Internet is composed of millions of computers around the world, which are connected to each other in order to provide information across cyberspace as though there were no global boundaries, mountain passes, or oceans to cross. When you send e-mail to a friend on the other side of the planet, it passes from your computer to that of your Internet service provider and then from computer to computer, making its way to your friend in a matter of seconds. Similarly, when you access a page on the World Wide Web, your computer tells another computer which tells another computer that you want such and such document delivered to your computer, and it arrives in seconds. Some geographers measure and map cyberspace by looking at where most of the Internet’s traffic flows though, to, and from.


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