In order of magnitude on the Richter scale they were: Chile, 1960, 9.5; Prince William Sound, Alaska, United States, 1964, 9.2; Andrean of Islands, Alaska, United States, 1957, 9.1; Kamchatka, northeast Russia, 1952, 9.0; off the coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, 2004, 9.0; off the west coast of Ecuador, 1906, 8.8; Rat Islands, Alaska, United States, 1965, 8.7; Assam, India, and Tibet, 1950, 8.6; Kamchatka, northeast Russia, 1923, 8.5; Banda Sea, Malay Archipelago, 1938, 8.5; and Kuril Islands, off the east coast of Asia (extending from Russia in the north to Japan in the south), 1963, 8.5.