

The Koran

Who wrote the Koran?

The Koran (or Qur’an) contains the holy scriptures of Islam and was written by the followers of the prophet Muhammad (c. 570–632). It is not known whether these texts were written down during Muhammad’s lifetime or after his death. It is known that the texts were codified (organized into a body) between 644 and 656. Muslims believe the angel Gabriel revealed the book to Muhammad, beginning in 610 and continuing until the prophet’s death in 632. The Koran, meaning “recitation,” consists of 114 verses (ayas) that are organized in chapters (suras).

Muslims believe the beautiful prose of the Koran to be the words of God himself, who spoke through Muhammad. Further, it is believed to be only a copy of an eternal book, which is kept by Allah. The Koran is also held up by Muslims as proof that Muhammad was indeed a prophet since no human is capable of composing such text. Among the most widely read texts today, the Koran is also taught orally so that even Muslims who are illiterate may know and be able to recite verses.


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