
Individual Stocks

Selecting Individual Stocks

What other special orders can investors use to help secure a certain price or limit a potential loss?

Investors may use other order instructions to help protect their profits or limit potential losses. “Day orders” mean the order is to be fulfilled during the trading day. “Good-til cancelled” means the order is in the system for whatever time it takes for the order to be fulfilled and transacted. “Immediate or cancelled order” means an order must be transacted immediately, or it must be cancelled. Check with your firm to discover how it defines the word “immediate.” Other special orders may include a “fill-or-kill” order, when an order for stocks must be filled in its entirety, and an “all-or-none” order, in which the trading order to either buy or sell must be executed in its entirety immediately. If it is not executed immediately, an “all-or-none” order will remain active unless it is executed or cancelled by the investor.


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