What is the best way to search for online math resources?
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The best way to find math resources online is to use a good search engine or web directory, such as Google, Lycos, Yahoo, and so on. Be specific about the topic you’re interested in; just typing “math” into the search field will result in an astronomical number of web pages that may be of little interest.
For example, if you’re curious about the mathematics behind the construction of the pyramids, try using the key words “math Egyptian pyramids construction.” You’ll get a large number of websites, but many will still be relevant to your interest. Another strategy is to peruse the websites of college and university mathematics departments and faculty web pages. They usually contain information about faculty research areas and often provide math-related links of interest. There are also some government websites that have certain information, research, or links of mathematical interest. And finally, sometimes, too, it’s more fun to just search on a whim with only a few keywords in mind and see where it leads you.