New PhilosophyLatin American Philosophy |
What is Latin American philosophy? |
Latin American philosophy is either or both the thought of philosophers who reside in Latin American countries or the newer work of Latino-Latina/Hispanic-American philosophers. Like African American and Native American philosophy, it is a subfield to the academic discipline that formed after 1930, although it was not duly recognized until after 1980.
Contemporary considerations of philosophy in Latin America, written by philosophers who also reflect on the Latino-Latina/Hispanic-American experience include the following books: Linda Alcoff and Eduardo Mendieta, Thinking from the Underside of History: Enrique Dusell’s Philosophy of Liberation (2000); Jorge J.E. Gracia, Mireya Camurati, editors, Philosophy and Literature in Latin America (1989); Jorge J.E. Gracia and Elizabeth Millan-Zaibert, editors, Latin American Philosophy for the 21st Century: The Human Condition, Values, and the Search for Identity (1989); Eduardo Mendieta, Global Fragments: Critical Theory, Latin America and Globalizations (2007); Susana Nuccetelli, Latin American Thought: Philosophical Problems and Arguments (2002); and Ofelia Schutte, Cultural Identity and Social Liberation in Latin American Thought (1993).