
Ulysses S. Grant


What were some of the other scandals rocked the Grant administration?

In 1875, Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin Bristow exposed the Whiskey Ring Scandal, which involved officials and businessmen supposedly pocketing millions of dollars in liquor taxes. Many officials allegedly bribed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents and others, including IRS supervisor John McDonald and Grant’s private secretary Orville E. Babcock.

The Indian Trading Scandal also rocked the Grant administration, and impeachment charges were brought against Secretary of War William W. Belknap for allegedly accepting a bribe over an Indian trading post position. He became the first member of a presidential cabinet to be impeached. Although he resigned immediately, the House impeached him. The Senate acquitted him because he had already resigned.

The Delano Affair also rocked the Grant administration. Secretary of the Interior Columbus Delano allegedly took bribes for fraudulent land grants. He resigned from office in October 1875.

Photographic portrait of President Grant by Matthew B. Brady.


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