The serial killer Ted Bundy (1946–1989), is a perfect example of a psychopath. Handsome, educated, and intelligent, he was actively involved in politics and on close terms with the Washington state governor. Bundy also had long romantic relationships with two women who had little reason to believe he was anything other than what he presented himself to be. Eventually, he admitted to murdering 30 women, but it is likely there were many more victims. He conned, manipulated, and lied to women to get them into his car or some other secluded place, where he would rape, torture, and murder them. He would often approach women wearing a sling, a leg cast, or crutches and ask them to help him carry his belongings. Clearly, his murders were planned and calculated and not at all the result of impulsive outbursts. The dramatic split between his polished public image and his murderous rampages speaks to the callous, sadistic, manipulative, and emotionally disconnected personality traits of a classic psychopath.