Of the mammals, humans and fin whales live the longest. Below is the maximum life span for several animal species.
Animal |
Latin Name |
Maximum Life Span (years) |
Marion’s tortoise |
Testudo sumeirii |
152 |
Quahog |
Venus mercenaria |
c. 150 |
Common box tortoise |
Terrapene carolina |
138 |
European pond tortoise |
Emys orbicularis |
120 |
Spur-thighed tortoise |
Testudo graeca |
116 |
Fin whale |
Balaenoptera physalus |
116 |
Human |
Homo sapiens |
110 |
Deep-sea clam |
Tindaria callistiformis |
c. 100 |
Killer whale |
Orcinus orca |
c. 90 |
European eel |
Anguilla anguilla |
88 |
Lake sturgeon |
Acipenser fulvescens |
82 |
Freshwater mussel |
Margaritana margaritifera |
80 to 70 |
Asiatic elephant |
Elephas maximus |
78 |
Andean condor |
Vultur gryphus |
72 |
Whale shark |
Rhiniodon typus |
c. 70 |
African elephant |
Loxodonta africana |
c. 70 |
Great eagle-owl |
Bubo bubo |
68 |
American alligator |
Alligator mississipiensis |
66 |
Blue macaw |
Ara macao |
64 |
Ostrich |
Struthio camelus |
62.5 |
Horse |
Equus caballus |
62 |
Orangutan |
Pongo pygmaeus |
c. 59 |
Bataleur eagle |
Terathopius ecaudatus |
55 |
Hippopotamus |
Hippopotamus amphibius |
54.5 |
Chimpanzee |
Pan troglodytes |
51 |
White pelican |
Pelecanus onocrotalus |
51 |
Gorilla |
Gorilla gorilla |
50 |
Domestic goose |
Anser a. domesticus |
49.75 |
Grey parrot |
Psittacus erythacus |
49 |
Indian rhinoceros |
Rhinoceros unicornis |
49 |
European brown bear |
Ursus arctos arctos |
47 |
Grey seal |
Halichoerus gryphus |
46 |
Blue whale |
Balaenoptera musculus |
c. 45 |
Goldfish |
Carassius auratus |
41 |
Common toad |
Bufo bufo |
40 |
Roundworm |
Tylenchus polyhyprus |
39 |
Giraffe |
Giraffa camelopardalis |
36.25 |
Bactrian camel |
Camelus ferus |
35 |
Brazilian tapir |
Tapirus terrestris |
35 |
Domestic cat |
Felis catus |
34 |
Canary |
Serious caneria |
34 |
American bison |
Bison bison |
33 |
Bobcat |
Felis rufus |
32.3 |
Sperm whale |
Physeter macrocephalus |
32 |
American manatee |
Trichechus manatus |
30 |
Red kangaroo |
Macropus rufus |
c. 30 |
African buffalo |
Syncerus caffer |
29.5 |
Domestic dog |
Canis familiaris |
29.5 |
Lion |
Panthera leo |
c. 29 |
African civet |
Viverra civetta |
28 |
Theraphosid spider |
Mygalomorphae |
c. 28 |
Red deer |
Cervus elaphus |
26.75 |
Tiger |
Panthera tigris |
26.25 |
Giant panda |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca |
26 |
American badger |
Taxidea taxus |
26 |
Common wombat |
Vombatus ursinus |
26 |
Bottle-nosed dolphin |
Tursiops truncatus |
25 |
Domestic chicken |
Gallus g. domesticus |
25 |
Grey squirrel |
Sciurus carolinensis |
23.5 |
Aardvark |
Orycteropus afer |
23 |
Domestic duck |
Anas platyrhynchos domesticus |
23 |
Coyote |
Canis latrans |
21 |
Canadian otter |
Lutra canadensis |
21 |
Domestic goat |
Capra hircus domesticus |
20.75 |
Queen ant |
Myrmecina graminicola |
18 |
Common rabbit |
Oryctolagus cuniculus |
18 |
White or beluga whale |
Delphinapterus leucuas |
17.25 |
Platypus |
Ornithorhynchus anatinus |
17 |
Walrus |
Odobenus rosmarus |
16.75 |
Domestic turkey |
Melagris gallapave domesticus |
16 |
American beaver |
Castor canadensis |
15 |
Land snail |
Helix spiriplana |
15 |
Guinea pig |
Cavia porcellus |
14.8 |
Hedgehog |
Erinaceus europaeus |
14 |
Burmeister’s armadillo |
Calyptophractus retusus |
12 |
Capybara |
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris |
12 |
Chinchilla |
Chinchilla laniger |
11.3 |
Giant centipede |
Scolopendra gigantea |
10 |
Golden hamster |
Mesocricetus auratus |
10 |
Segmented worm |
Allolobophora longa |
10 |
Purse-web spider |
Atypus affinis |
9 |
Greater Egyptian gerbil |
Gerbillus pyramidum |
81 |
Spiny starfish |
Marthasterias glacialis |
7 |
Millipede |
Cylindroiulus landinensis |
7 |
Coypu |
Myocastor coypus |
6 |
House mouse |
Mus musculus |
6 |
Malagasy brown-tailed mongoose |
Salanoia concolor |
4.75 |
Cane rat |
Thryonomys swinderianus |
4.3 |
Siberian flying squirrel |
Pteromys volans |
3.75 |
Common octopus |
Octopus vulgaris |
2 to 3 |
Pygmy white-toothed shrew |
Suncus etruscus |
2 |
Pocket gopher |
Thomomys talpoides |
1.6 |
Monarch butterfly |
Danaus plexippus |
1.13 |
Bedbug |
Cimex lectularius |
0.5 (182 days) |
Black widow spider |
Latrodectus mactans |
0.27 (100 days) |
Common housefly |
Musca domesticus |
0.04 (17 days) |