Supreme Court Rules, Practices, and Traditions


Who are some of the more famous law clerks?

There have been many Supreme Court law clerks who have achieved great prominence in the legal profession. Here are just a few of the many:

Kenneth Starr: Former federal appeals court and independent counsel who investigated President Bill Clinton (leading to his impeachment); clerked for Chief Justice Warren Burger.

Richard Posner: Longtime judge on the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and author of more than forty books; clerked for Justice William Brennan.

Robert O’Neil: Former president of the University of Virginia and the founder of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression; clerked for Justice William Brennan.

Alan Dershowitz: Harvard Law professor and well-known author/legal commentator; clerked for Justice Arthur Goldberg.

Laura Ingraham: Popular syndicated radio host, author, and political analyst; clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas.

Kenneth Starr, center, began his law career as the law clerk for Supreme Court justice Warren Burger; Starr became well known as the independent counsel who investigated President Bill Clinton prior to his impeachment. Luke Frazza/AFP/Getty Images.