If you are far from any buildings or people who might help, rather than getting out of your car and wandering off, possibly getting lost or freezing to death, it is always a better idea to remain in your vehicle. Hopefully, you will have a charged cell phone handy, but if not it is still better to remain in the car. After checking to make sure that the car’s exhaust pipe is not blocked by any snow or ice (being wary of carbon monoxide poisoning), keep the car running for as long as possible to stay warm. Also, turn on your hazard lights, which may attract help, such as a police officer, while also warning snow plows not to come too close. During the winter months, it is a good idea to keep blankets, food, a spare tire, and a first aid kit in your car. Never drink alcohol to try and stay warm, but a thermos containing a hot beverage or soup would prove handy.