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The Bible and Archaeology

Have any other ancient Egyptian artifacts influenced biblical studies?

None has been as significant as the Merneptah Stele. Over the years, archaeologists in Egypt have found a plethora of artifacts relating to life in Egypt during ancient times. Egyptian tombs have yielded sarcophagi, jewelry, statuary, food, clothing, bones, and numerous other artifacts. Also, there are numerous written records from ancient Egypt. With all that recorded history, it seems as if there would be a record of Moses and the exodus. After all, the mass exit of several hundred thousand people who made up a large part of the Egyptian workforce was a major event. However, the ancient Egyptians left no record of it—if they did, it has not yet been found. Most scholars point out that there is a reason why the Egyptians did not record the event. In ancient times, it was customary to record, in art or script, only that which reflected favorably on the culture. Being bested by a ragtag group of slaves was not something the Egyptians wanted to memorialize.


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