
Dinosaurs Behaviour

Eating Habits

What do dinosaur trackways tell paleontologists about dinosaur diets?

Trackways, the multiple fossilized footprints of dinosaurs, have given paleontologists some idea of the feeding habits of many dinosaurs. For example, an Early Cretaceous period site in Texas, as well as a Late Cretaceous period one in Bolivia, show footprints of what appears to be a pack of theropods actively stalking a herd of sauropods. In a Cretaceous period site in Australia, fossilized tracks suggest a herd of over 100 small coelurosaurs and ornithopods stampeded as a large, single theropod stalked the group. In a Utah coal mine, Cretaceous period footprints of herbivorous dinosaurs cluster around fossil tree trunks, giving some indication of their foraging behavior.


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